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  • Ja wir hätten wohl auch Interesse.... müssen aber noch ein wenig überlegen und wir haben ja auch noch ein wenig Zeit...
    Vielen lieben Dank für die Organisation schon jetzt
    :abfahrt: bald

    :jump: :jump::Boot1: :jump:
    CARA 2004, BLU 2005, AURA 2007, DIVA 2009, VITA 2011, DIVA 2012, SOL 2012, MAR 2013, STELLA 2013, LUNA 2013, LUNA 2014, AURA 2014, LUNA 2015, VITA 2015, MS4 2015, SOL 2016, VITA 2016, BELLA 2017, PRIMA 2017, AURA 2018, MAR 2018, CARA 2018, NOVA 2019, MS4 2020, MS4 2021, BLU 2023, STELLA 2024,



  • Mumbai (1. Tag)

    1. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen
    2. Detlef Hahn
    3. Regina (mamamia)

    Mumbai by Day (2. Tag )

    1. Claudia (verachrist)
    2. Detlef
    3. Bianka
    4. Regina (mamamia)
    5. Carmen und Uwe (hf367280) 2 Personen
    6. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen


    1. Mamamia (Regina)
    2. Eisbaer 192 (Norbert und Sabine)
    3. verachrist (Claudia und Michael)
    4. schirmis (Mario und Jana)
    5. hf 367280 - Carmen und Uwe Kab. Nr. wird nachgereicht
    6. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko und Bianka)

    15:10.-17.1.,15.2.-8.3.,16.-30.3.,13.-20.6.,10.-17.7.,12.-26.9.,3.-7.10., 4.-11.12., 30.12.-13.1.
    16:24.1.-7.2., 21.3.-9.4,23.-25.4.,25.5-1.6.,4.-11.6.,23.-30.7.,10.-14.10.,10-17.12..,28.12.-11.1.
    17:20.3.-3.4.,14.-27.4.,6.-10.5.,24.6.-1.7., 26.-29.10.,2-16.12.; 30.12.-6.1.
    18:24.2-21.3.,23.-31.3,9.-12.4.,12.-19.5.,27.5.-3.6.,22.6-6.7.;19.-26.8.;31.10.-4.11.;15.-19.11.; 21.-28.12.
    19:23.12-06.01.; 19.-29.1.; 30.4.-4.5.; 29.5.-2.6.; 8.-15.6.;5.-13-7.;4.-11.8;15.-17.8.; 30.11.-4.12.; 23.12.-6.1.

  • Fantreffen

    1. Mamamia (Regina)

    2. Eisbaer 192 (Norbert und Sabine)

    3. verachrist (Claudia und Michael)

    4. schirmis (Mario und Jana)

    5. hf 367280 - Carmen und Uwe Kab. Nr. wird nachgereicht

    6. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko und Bianka)

    7. Detlef Hahn

    Man sollte sich die Ruhe und Nervenstärke eines Stuhles zulegen.
    Der muss auch mit jedem Arsch klar kommen!

  • Mumbai (1. Tag)

    1. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen

    2. Detlef Hahn

    3. Regina (mamamia)
    4. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)

    Mumbai by Day (2. Tag )

    1. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)

    2. Detlef

    3. Bianka

    4. Regina (mamamia)

    5. Carmen und Uwe (hf367280) 2 Personen

    6. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen


    1. Mamamia (Regina)

    2. Eisbaer 192 (Norbert und Sabine)

    3. verachrist (Claudia und Michael)

    4. schirmis (Mario und Jana)

    5. hf 367280 - Carmen und Uwe Kab. Nr. wird nachgereicht

    6. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko und Bianka)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von verachrist ()

  • @ verachrist, hast mich beim Fantreffen unterschlagen. Ich hatte mich doch schon eingetragen. :cry2::gruebel:

    Hier also noch mal alles neu:

    Mumbai (1. Tag)

    1. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen

    2. Detlef Hahn

    3. Regina (mamamia)
    4. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)

    Mumbai by Day (2. Tag )

    1. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)

    2. Detlef Hahn

    3. Bianka

    4. Regina (mamamia)

    5. Carmen und Uwe (hf367280) 2 Personen

    6. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen


    1. Mamamia (Regina)

    2. Eisbaer 192 (Norbert und Sabine)

    3. verachrist (Claudia und Michael)

    4. schirmis (Mario und Jana)

    5. hf 367280 - Carmen und Uwe Kab. Nr. wird nachgereicht

    6. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko und Bianka)

    7. Detlef Hahn

    Man sollte sich die Ruhe und Nervenstärke eines Stuhles zulegen.
    Der muss auch mit jedem Arsch klar kommen!

  • Hallo,

    wir wären auch bei beiden Touren / an beiden Tagen dabei:

    Mumbai (1. Tag)

    1. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen
    2. Detlef Hahn
    3. Regina (mamamia)
    4. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)

    5. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko, Bianka) 4 Personen

    Mumbai by Day (2. Tag )

    1. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)
    2. Detlef Hahn
    3. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko, Bianka) 4 Personen
    4. Regina (mamamia)
    5. Carmen und Uwe (hf367280) 2 Personen
    6. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen


    1. Mamamia (Regina)
    2. Eisbaer 192 (Norbert und Sabine)
    3. verachrist (Claudia und Michael)
    4. schirmis (Mario und Jana)
    5. hf 367280 - Carmen und Uwe Kab. Nr. wird nachgereicht
    6. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko und Bianka)
    7. Detlef Hahn

    LG Bianka

    12/04 Aura - Mittelamerika; 02/05 Vita - Karibik; 05/05 Vita - WMM; 12/05 Cara - WMM; 02/06 Vita - Karibik; 06/06 Vita - WMM; 05/07 Aura - Kurzreise Ostsee; 10/07 Aura - WMM; 10/08 Cara - WMM; 03/09 Vita - Karibik; 09/09 Aura Nordamerika; 09/10 Cara - Kurzreise Ostsee; 02/11 - Aura-SOA; 03/12 - Vita-Amazonas; 06/12- Vita WMM; 01/14 Cara -Südamerika; 08/14 Aura - Adria; 11/14 Aura - Orient/Indien; 03/15 Vita - USA/Karibik; 11/15 Mar - Transkaribik, 02/16 Diva - Karibik; 11/16 Bella - Transasien; 01/18 Aura-Indischer Ozean; 09/19 Diva - Warnemünde - New York; 11/19 Vita - Singapur & Indonesien, 08/23 Aura-Grönland

  • MIST :zorn: habe gerade aktuell unter myaida gelesen, dass die Flugzeiten erst ab 30. SEPTEMBER bekanntgegeben werden. Steht das bei euch auch ??? Bis gestern stand nämlich noch: 3 Monate vor Reisebeginn. (wir fliegen ab Düsseldorf)

    lG Claudia

    genau das steht heute morgen bei uns auch drin :zorn:
    also noch mal 6 Wochen warten :traurig:

    aber erstmal :abfahrt: in 29 Tagen :tanzgott:

    :jump: :jump::Boot1: :jump:
    CARA 2004, BLU 2005, AURA 2007, DIVA 2009, VITA 2011, DIVA 2012, SOL 2012, MAR 2013, STELLA 2013, LUNA 2013, LUNA 2014, AURA 2014, LUNA 2015, VITA 2015, MS4 2015, SOL 2016, VITA 2016, BELLA 2017, PRIMA 2017, AURA 2018, MAR 2018, CARA 2018, NOVA 2019, MS4 2020, MS4 2021, BLU 2023, STELLA 2024,



  • jup, 1 Seite vorher hatten wir das schon geschrieben....Aida muß wohl schauen wie sie ihre Flüge zusammen bekommen :lol1: bin ja mal gespannt mit was ich von Frankfurt aus nach Dubai flieg, da gibt es ja schon die wildesten Spekulationen in einem anderen Thread....also warten wir mal ab was uns Aida ab 30.9. sagt :meinung:

    15:10.-17.1.,15.2.-8.3.,16.-30.3.,13.-20.6.,10.-17.7.,12.-26.9.,3.-7.10., 4.-11.12., 30.12.-13.1.
    16:24.1.-7.2., 21.3.-9.4,23.-25.4.,25.5-1.6.,4.-11.6.,23.-30.7.,10.-14.10.,10-17.12..,28.12.-11.1.
    17:20.3.-3.4.,14.-27.4.,6.-10.5.,24.6.-1.7., 26.-29.10.,2-16.12.; 30.12.-6.1.
    18:24.2-21.3.,23.-31.3,9.-12.4.,12.-19.5.,27.5.-3.6.,22.6-6.7.;19.-26.8.;31.10.-4.11.;15.-19.11.; 21.-28.12.
    19:23.12-06.01.; 19.-29.1.; 30.4.-4.5.; 29.5.-2.6.; 8.-15.6.;5.-13-7.;4.-11.8;15.-17.8.; 30.11.-4.12.; 23.12.-6.1.

  • In welchem anderen Thread?

    Meinst Du den hier?

    Alles zu: Flug / Flugzeiten Dubai

    genau den meinte ich...

    15:10.-17.1.,15.2.-8.3.,16.-30.3.,13.-20.6.,10.-17.7.,12.-26.9.,3.-7.10., 4.-11.12., 30.12.-13.1.
    16:24.1.-7.2., 21.3.-9.4,23.-25.4.,25.5-1.6.,4.-11.6.,23.-30.7.,10.-14.10.,10-17.12..,28.12.-11.1.
    17:20.3.-3.4.,14.-27.4.,6.-10.5.,24.6.-1.7., 26.-29.10.,2-16.12.; 30.12.-6.1.
    18:24.2-21.3.,23.-31.3,9.-12.4.,12.-19.5.,27.5.-3.6.,22.6-6.7.;19.-26.8.;31.10.-4.11.;15.-19.11.; 21.-28.12.
    19:23.12-06.01.; 19.-29.1.; 30.4.-4.5.; 29.5.-2.6.; 8.-15.6.;5.-13-7.;4.-11.8;15.-17.8.; 30.11.-4.12.; 23.12.-6.1.

  • Habt ihr schon Ideen für Abu Dhabi? Wollte eventuell die Ferrari World unsicher machen, hat da noch jemand Interesse? http://www.gebs-uae.com/tours/touren-uae hab da mal einen Link gefunden, vielleicht wenn noch jemand Interesse hat wirds vielleicht günstiger.

    Hab ich gerade aus dem Abu Dhabi Forum "geklaut"
    Emirates Palace
    gerade von einer wundervollen Reise zurück gekommen, möchte ich Euch folgenden Tipp geben.
    Wenn Ihr am Abend um 20 Uhr in Abu Dhabi ankommt, solltet Ihr sofort von Bord gehen und mit dem Taxi ins Emirates Palace fahren. Es ist ein Traum die Beleuchtung und die Auffahrt zum Hotel zu sehen. Im Hotel bleibt Euch die Spucke weg. Geht gerade aus durch bis zum Caffee. Dort kann man den berühmten Cappuchino mit Goldpuder trinken. Eine Gedeck beinhaltet 1 Tasse Cappu mit Goldpuder, 1 kl. Glas Wasser und 2 Kekse, kostet umgerechnet 10 Euro. Aber es ist es wert!!!!! Geht auch nach unten. Dort kann man raus in den Garten gehen....wunderschön.

    Wenn Ihr vom Schiff geht, nehmt den Shuttlebus, der fährt Euch kostenlos zu Abu Dhabi MAll. Auf keinen Fall die Taxen nehmen, die daneben stehen. Da sie eine Genehmigung haben um im Hafengelände zu fahren sind die sauteuer. An der MAll stehen Taxen, die schalten den Taxameter ein und dann kostet die Fahrt ins Emirates Palace knapp 30 AED, das sind ca 6 Euro.

    Am 2. Tag Abu Dhabi sind unsere Männer mit dem Taxi zu Ferrariworld, Kosten oneway ca. 20 $ für ca. 50 KM. Fahrt auch hier mit dem kostenlosten Shuttle bis zur A D Mall und dort stehen Taxen.

    Wir sind mit dem Hop on Hop off Bus gefahren. Die Tickets für den Bus kosten im Hafengebäude 40 Euro und gelten 24 Stunden. Man kann an jeder Haltestelle aussteigen, hat sogar eine Führung dabei und wieder im naächsten Bus, kommt alle 30 Minunten, wieder einsteigen. Während der Fahrt hat über Kopfhörer die deutsch Reisebegleitung. Eine komplette Runde ohne aussteigen dauert 2.30 Stunden.

    Ich finde, das ganze hört sich ja nicht schlecht an, falls jemand Interesse hat, kann man sich vielleicht das Taxi teilen...... :frage1:

    15:10.-17.1.,15.2.-8.3.,16.-30.3.,13.-20.6.,10.-17.7.,12.-26.9.,3.-7.10., 4.-11.12., 30.12.-13.1.
    16:24.1.-7.2., 21.3.-9.4,23.-25.4.,25.5-1.6.,4.-11.6.,23.-30.7.,10.-14.10.,10-17.12..,28.12.-11.1.
    17:20.3.-3.4.,14.-27.4.,6.-10.5.,24.6.-1.7., 26.-29.10.,2-16.12.; 30.12.-6.1.
    18:24.2-21.3.,23.-31.3,9.-12.4.,12.-19.5.,27.5.-3.6.,22.6-6.7.;19.-26.8.;31.10.-4.11.;15.-19.11.; 21.-28.12.
    19:23.12-06.01.; 19.-29.1.; 30.4.-4.5.; 29.5.-2.6.; 8.-15.6.;5.-13-7.;4.-11.8;15.-17.8.; 30.11.-4.12.; 23.12.-6.1.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von mamamia ()

  • Ich melde mich mal bis zum 24. des Monats ab. Kommende Nacht geht's zum Stuttgarter Flughafen und kurz nach 6 Uhr nach Split und dort in der Nähe beginnt mein Segeltörn.

    Jetzt muss ich noch 'ne Mütze Schlaf zu mir nehmen.

    Man sollte sich die Ruhe und Nervenstärke eines Stuhles zulegen.
    Der muss auch mit jedem Arsch klar kommen!

  • Detlef Hahn

    Ja dann eine schöne Zeit auf dem Segler und immer eine Hand breit Wasser unterm Kiel. :ciao:

    2009 AIDAbella; 2010 AIDAdiva; 2011 AIDAsol; 2012 AIDAsol, AIDAluna, AIDAvita; 2013 AIDAmar, AIDAbella; 2014 AIDAsol, AIDAmar, AIDAaura; 2015 AIDAaura, AIDAstella, AIDAmar; 2016 AIDAblu, AIDAbella, AIDAbella, Mein Schiff 5; 2017 AIDAluna, AIDAaura; 2018 AIDAcara, AIDAdiva; 2019 AIDAsol, AIDAblu, AIDAbella

  • schönen Urlaub, da bist ja dann nur 10km von mir entfernt (wohn nämlich in der nähe vom Stgt Flughafen).... :matrose: :Boot1:

    15:10.-17.1.,15.2.-8.3.,16.-30.3.,13.-20.6.,10.-17.7.,12.-26.9.,3.-7.10., 4.-11.12., 30.12.-13.1.
    16:24.1.-7.2., 21.3.-9.4,23.-25.4.,25.5-1.6.,4.-11.6.,23.-30.7.,10.-14.10.,10-17.12..,28.12.-11.1.
    17:20.3.-3.4.,14.-27.4.,6.-10.5.,24.6.-1.7., 26.-29.10.,2-16.12.; 30.12.-6.1.
    18:24.2-21.3.,23.-31.3,9.-12.4.,12.-19.5.,27.5.-3.6.,22.6-6.7.;19.-26.8.;31.10.-4.11.;15.-19.11.; 21.-28.12.
    19:23.12-06.01.; 19.-29.1.; 30.4.-4.5.; 29.5.-2.6.; 8.-15.6.;5.-13-7.;4.-11.8;15.-17.8.; 30.11.-4.12.; 23.12.-6.1.

  • Hallo in die immer größer werdende Runde!

    Hier hat sich ja in den letzten Tagen ganz schön was getan!

    Da wir auch das erste Mal in Indien sind, haben wir den gleichen Plan wie ihr alle, nämlich so viel wie möglich zu sehen :jump:

    Wir hatten uns bei MumbaiMagic, Namaste City Tour und anderen auch schon umgeguckt und würden uns ebenfalls sehr gerne bei Euch anschließen. Daher zwei weitere Namen auf der Liste.

    @ Bianka: Habt ihr schon Euer Hotel in Dubai gefunden? Wir fliegen auch schon vorher und haben ein Schnäppchen über Expedia gemacht - da lohnt es sich schon mal vorbeizuschauen.

    Zu den Getränkepaketen kann ich noch eine - hoffentlich korrekte- Info zusteuern: ich rief vor einigen Wochen bei AC an, da ich eine Frage hatte und im Gespräch kamen wir auch auf die nicht vorhandenen Getränkepakete unter MyAida... die werden für Premiumbucher wohl erstmals am 29.08. eingestellt. Für Variobucher dann nach der neuen Logik wohl etwas später. Wenn ich allerdings Eure Erfahrungen mit den Abflugzeiten hier verfolge würde ich mich da auch noch überraschen lassen :lachroll:

    Wir wünschen allen ein TROCKENES Wochenende

    Viele Grüße

    Frank & Indra

    Mumbai (1. Tag)

    1. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen
    2. Detlef Hahn
    3. Regina (mamamia)
    4. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)
    5. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko, Bianka) 4 Personen

    6. Indra und Frank

    Mumbai by Day (2. Tag )

    1. Claudia und Michael (verachrist)
    2. Detlef Hahn
    3. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko, Bianka) 4 Personen
    4. Regina (mamamia)
    5. Carmen und Uwe (hf367280) 2 Personen
    6. Mario und Jana (schirmis) 2 Personen

    7. Indra und Frank


    1. Mamamia (Regina)
    2. Eisbaer 192 (Norbert und Sabine)
    3. verachrist (Claudia und Michael)
    4. schirmis (Mario und Jana)
    5. hf 367280 - Carmen und Uwe Kab. Nr. wird nachgereicht
    6. Bianka (Annette, Heike, Hanko und Bianka)
    7. Detlef Hahn

    8. Indra und Frank

  • allo an Alle

    ich habe die Antwort von Mumbai magic erhalten:

    For your tour dates,
    we have only 1 guide available who speaks German, her name is Freni. But we
    have usually many tour requests from Aida and as you know, many people from
    Aida speak only German. So we are going to create a group of 16 people, with
    Freni as the guide, for a German language tour.

    I have the
    following options which we can offer you:

    Option 1 - A
    private tour for you with English-speaking guide. In this case you can decide
    what you want to see.

    Option 2 - You can join our bigger group tour (total may be around 16 persons, we have presently 4 persons
    booked on this tour
    ), with German-speaking guide. In this case we
    will do a general tour which is suitable for everyone.

    dated 14-Aug-2014

    Guests: CLAUDIA
    persons)Ship name: AIDAauraShip arrival/departure time:Arrives 1300hrs on Nov 23, and will
    depart on 24 Nov at 1900hrs

    Tour Date: SUN NOV 23 AND MON NOV 24, 2014

    For passengers arriving on cruise ships, we offer custom tours in Mumbai that
    include pickup and drop from/to the docks.

    In these tours, there are no hard and fast rules about what you can do. People
    usually just tell the guides their interests, or some specific places they want
    to see, and the guides fit them into the available time. We get all sorts of
    requests - people want to try fast food or other cuisines, culture and religion
    tours, bazaar walks, visits to people's homes, slum tours, train rides, bus
    rides, flea markets, Jewish heritage tours, shopping for specific things,
    tailoring, art galleries and museums...I run a personalized tour service that
    accommodates all these things. In fact, you'll probably end up doing and seeing
    more than what you thought you could accomplish. The tours last 6-8 hours per
    day depending on your interest and level of tiredness.

    The prices of our tours
    per day effective from 1-MAY-2014 are as follows:

    Rs 3000 per person for a group of 9-16 people

    Rs 3250 per person for a group of 7-8 people

    Rs 3750 per person for a group of 5-6 people

    Rs 4250 per person for a group of 4 people

    Rs 5250 per person for a group of 3 people

    Rs 6750 per person for a couple

    Please use your
    contacts or the cruise forums to find like-minded people to share the tour, it
    is quite easy, and it brings the cost per person down for everyone. We have
    great reviews on Cruise Critic and Tripadvisor and it is easy to find people
    who want to book with us.

    The price we charge includes the following:

    - Pick up from inside the docks (Chauffeur-driven air-conditioned vehicle) at
    the point where your ship berths. For larger groups above 4 people, we use an
    air-conditioned coach. The driver and guide will wait with a placard /
    signboard with your name on it.

    - Cultured, highly qualified and knowledgeable lady guide. I have fourteen
    guides - they are no-nonsense women who know the city intimately, and like
    showing it to people. They speak English, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese,
    French and Arabic. They each have 15-20 years experience in guiding, or more.

    - Well researched and personalized tour itinerary that is fluid through the day
    to accommodate guest preferences.

    23 Nov: Pick up from docks, Tour of Elephanta Island and walk through Colaba
    Causeway. Drop back to docks. (WITH ENGLISH SPEAKING GUIDE ONLY)

    Monday, 24 Nov: I suggest you take a look at the tour called MUMBAI BY DAY
    which is on the mumbaimagic dot com website. You can combine that tour with the
    MUMBAI BAZAAR WALK to make a totally fun and interesting day. (WITH ENGLISH OR GERMAN SPEAKING

    Shopping assistance (we have a list of recommended fixed price shops where the
    quality of goods is assured and guests are not subjected to haggling.
    Alternatively, we can take you to local bazaars to experience street shopping).
    There is no shopping on the tour unless you expressly ask for it; there is so
    much to see and experience that we prefer to focus on sightseeing. But please
    tell the guide if you want to buy something; they know the best places and can
    help you.

    - All entrance tickets

    - Bottled Water

    - Illustrated Handouts for the tour - Our handouts are well-researched and
    sometimes contain surprising information.

    - Attractively packaged take-away gift as a memento - just a small thing!

    - Drop back at ship

    Lunch is not included. There will be a break in between
    for lunch, you can ask the guide for restaurant recommendations. Tell the guide
    what cuisine you want to try and they will take you. If you have dietary
    restrictions, let them know. We are quite used to dealing with different types
    of visitors from all corners of the world, and all kinds of dietary issues,
    including religious requirements, allergies etc. If you are bringing packed
    lunch from the ship to eat in the vehicle, you still need to provide an hour’s
    break to the guide and driver, perhaps you can walk through Colaba Causeway or
    go to a museum. But the food is very interesting and inexpensive and we know
    all the best places!

    Please write to me for more information if you wish. Please book adequately
    early as we are often sold out on cruise dates.

    You pay cash on the day of the tour. You can bring US$ or any other currency
    and change it in Mumbai.


    Tours of India

    Recognised by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India

    +91 98100 26373 | Office: +91 11 4056 6372

    mail: gaurav@delhimagic.com

    Ich habe jetzt Gaurav angeschrieben und für 14 Leute die Tour Mumbay by Day für den 2. Tag reserviert, damit wir den deutschen Guide bekommen. Ebenso für 12-14 Leute die Tour am 1. Tag. Dabei habe ich mich an die letzte Liste von Frank und Indra gehalten.

    Wenn jemand auch mit einem englisch sprechenden Reiseleiter zurechtkommt, könnten wir ja evtl. 2 Gruppen aufmachen, falls es Probleme mit der Teilnehmerzahl gibt.

    Sobald ich eine Bestätigung bekommen, melde ich mich wieder.

    Ich habe von Gaurev auch Angebote für New Magalore und Mormugao erhalten. Stelle ich separat auch mal rein.

    euch allen noch ein schönes - hoffentlich trockenes WE


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von verachrist ()

  • ngebot für Goa und New Magalore

    Claudia –

    find below the details of Goa tours, at present we have a German speaking guide
    available. Since there is only 1 German speaking guide available at this
    port, we are trying to form a group her also (maximum 16 persons, presently we have 4 persons
    booked for Option-1

    me know if you would like to be a part of group. We will take it forward



    SHIP: AIDAaura

    Arriving Goa at 0800 hr on 27 Nov, 2014 (Thursday)

    Departing Goa at 1800 hr on same day




    [Blockierte Grafik: https://3c.web.de/mail/client/…tion=tfol119b57a091fc5dfe]

    What this tour is
    This is
    a relaxed day out at a local spice plantation, with an opportunity for both
    children and adults to interact with elephants.
    In this
    tour, we will pick you up from the docks and take you to visit a spice
    plantation in Ponda (about 30kms south-east of Panjim).

    The various spices grown here include Black pepper Cardamom, Nutmeg, Vanilla,
    Cinnamon, Cloves, Chillies, Coriander, etc. The staff at the plantation will
    take you around and give you an introduction to these various spices. You will
    also see Goa's typical tropical trees like Cashew, Areca nut (Betel nut) and
    palm trees. Tropical Fruit like Star fruit, Jack Fruit, Custard Apple, Bananas,
    Papayas, Pineapple and Citrus Fruits are also seen. Various local birds are
    also sighted at the plantation.The plantation also offers elephant rides and
    elephant bathing. They also serve a traditional Goan lunch in their open area
    restaurant This area of Goa also has many temples, so if you are interested you
    can visit the Mangeshi Temple (please dress modestly for temple visits).

    How it works:Full day tour, starting and ending from the

    After breakfast leave ship at 8:30 a.m.

    Drive 1 hr 15 mins to spice plantation

    1 hr plantation tour and elephant ride (if available on that day)

    Post lunch visit temple in village based on your interests and available time

    Return to ship by 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.

    Cost and Inclusions:Rs
    2250 per person per day for a group of 9-15 people

    2500 per person per day for a group of 7-8 people

    Rs 3000 per person per day for a group of 5-6 people

    Rs 3500 per person per day for a group of 4 people

    Rs 4500 per person per day for a group of 3 people

    Rs 6000 per person per day for a couple

    10500 for a solo person

    The price we charge includes pick up from inside the docks and drop
    (air-conditioned transport), driver with cell phone, fuel, parking charges,
    tolls, German/English-speaking guide, personalized tour itinerary, entrances to
    the spice farm, lunch, bottled water, illustrated handouts (English), and drop
    back at ship.

    There is elephant bathing and elephant rides at the farm, but this really
    depends on availability and it is not guaranteed. You can pay directly for
    elephant rides if interested. The rides cost approximately Rs 600 per person
    and the bathing costs approximately Rs 600 per person





    [Blockierte Grafik: https://3c.web.de/mail/client/…tion=tfol119b57a091fc5dfe]

    What this tour is about: This is a tour of Panjim (the current
    capital of Goa), combined with a visit to ‘Velha Goa’ or Old Goa (the previous
    capital). The tour covers some of the popular tourist must-see’s in Goa, including
    a heritage walk in the interesting Latin quarter of Panjim. It also includes a
    visit to a temple, as well as a vibrant and colorful traditional bazaar to
    experience the bustle of daily life in Goa.

    : Goa was among the most important centres of the ancient and
    medieval world, trading in calico, spices, precious metals and many other
    goods. It has been under various Hindu dynasties for most of its history, with
    a brief period under Muslim rulers. When the Portuguese arrived in Goa, it was
    under the Muslim Bahmani empire. The Portuguese defeated the Bahmanis and
    conquered Goa in 1510; thus beginning 450 years of Christian rule. This rule
    ended when in 1961, the Indian army marched into Goa, and overthrew the
    Portuguese. These historical events have left their mark on Goa, influencing
    not only religion and architecture, but also the language, dress, cuisine and
    lifestyle of Goans. On this tour, you will see not only Goa’s interesting
    monuments, but also its diverse cultures.

    What the tour covers:

    The tour includes the following:
    A drive to the top of
    a hill for a panoramic view of Goa. Here, our guide will show you the layout of
    the land, highlighting the rivers, islands, transport systems, and providing an
    overview of life in Goa.

    A visit to the
    churches of Old Goa, the “Rome of the East”, which was the administrative seat
    of the Portuguese. We will visit Se Cathedral (the seat of theArchbishop of
    Goa), and the Basilica of Bom Jesus which contains the body of Saint Francis
    Xavier, the Jesuit missionary who was canonised in 1622.

    (If you are in a
    “not another church please” mood, please tell the guide so that we can just
    drive through these areas rather than stop at the churches)

    A brief walk
    through the heritage district of Fontainhas – this is a residential area, the
    Latin quarter of Panjim where the traditional colourful houses of the Catholic
    and Hindu community are still preserved. Here you will see the original
    fountain after which the area was named. Life in this old quarter still continues
    its sleepy ways.

    A stop at one of
    Panjim’s popular restaurants to taste the famous Goan seafood. Goa’s
    cuisine is a unique blend of local and Portuguese influences, and Goan
    specialties such as prawn balchao, pork vindaloo are loved by food aficionados around
    the world. Please note that you pay direct for the meal.

    Bazaar walk through
    the bustling Panjim fish and vegetable market – this is a large colourful
    market where you can see all sorts of interesting things on offer, including
    household wares, spices, fish, meat, vegetables and many other goods. It’s a
    great way to see daily life in Goa!

    A visit to a Hindu temple to see the local architectural styles
    and prayer rituals. Hindus form the majority of the Goan population (around
    70%), and the temple is a good way to see the “inner life” and rituals of this

    This is a private tour and open to modifications.
    If you are interested,
    you can also visit a popular local beach in Goa, before being dropped back at
    the ship.

    Those interested in museums
    may visit the Museum of Christian Art in Goa or the State Museum.

    If you would like to
    go shopping for handicrafts, please let the guide know.

    Duration: 6-8 hours depending on your interests. We suggest that we pick
    you from at the ship at 8:30 a.m. and drop you back after the tour around 4:00

    Cost and Inclusions:

    The prices for a tour of Goa are as follows:

    2250 per person per day for a group of 9-15 people

    Rs 2500 per person per day for a group of 7-8 people

    Rs 3000 per person per day for a group of 5-6 people

    Rs 3500 per person per day for a group of 4 people

    Rs 4500 per person per day for a group of 3 people

    Rs 6000 per person per day for a couple

    Rs 10500 for a solo person

    The price we charge includes pick up from inside the docks and drop
    (air-conditioned transport), driver with cell phone, fuel, parking charges,
    tolls, English-speaking guide, personalized tour itinerary, any entrance
    tickets, bottled water, illustrated handouts (English), and drop back at ship.


    To book this tour, e-mail us. Payment is by cash on the day of the tour.

    ind Regards,
    Magic Tours of India
    Recognised by Ministry of Tourism,
    Government of India

    moobile: +91 98100 26373 | Office: +91 11 4056 6372

    E- mail: gaurav@delhimagic.com

    116 A/1 3rd Floor

    Near UCO Bank, Shahpur Jat

    New Delhi – 110049


    Claudia –

    Please find
    below the details of Mangalore tour, we can only provide an English speaking
    Escort at this port.



    SHIP: AIDAaura

    Arriving Mangalore at 0800 hr on 26 Nov, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Departing Mangalore at 1800 hr on 26 Nov, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Full Day

    note: Mangalore is a small port town, and there isn’t a big English-speaking
    tourism industry there, so full time high quality professional guides are not
    available in this town. What we provide are English-speaking escorts for the
    tour, along with car and driver and a tour itinerary of places to visit which
    we have checked out and visited and think you will find interesting. This is a
    beautiful green stretch of the country, a fertile land and a lazy slow way of
    life. There are excellent restaurants in Mangalore as well, and seafood is the
    local speciality cuisine. A lot of Indian tourists go to the coastal areas
    there on the temple circuits, as there are some very important pilgrimage


    [Blockierte Grafik: https://3c.web.de/mail/client/…tion=tfol119b57a091fc5dfe]

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://3c.web.de/mail/client/…tion=tfol119b57a091fc5dfe]

    the day with a tour of Mangalore city, taking in the major city sights. We will
    visit Kadri Manjunatha Temple, built in the 10th century. This is a Hindu
    temple with several temple tanks which people visit before praying at the
    temple. We will also visit the very popular Gokarnatheswara temple, founded by
    the great social reformer Sri Narayana Guru, who promoted the idea that all
    people are equal before God. We will drive through the city centre, seeing the
    buildings and life in the city. We will also visit a popular local fish market
    in Mangalore. It’s a great way to see daily life in Mangalore. After this, we
    break for lunch at a popular restaurant. After lunch, we will go on a drive to
    Moodabidri, a sleepy town situated an hour’s drive from Mangalore. Between the
    14th and 16th centuries, Moodabidri became a great centre of Jain learning. We
    will visit the famous 1000-pillared Jain Temple dedicated to Chandranatha. This
    is the largest Jain temple in coastal Karanataka, with richly carved pillars;
    and no two pillars in this temple are alike.


    8:30 to 10:00 a.m. – Pick up from the docks and drive to Moodbidri

    • 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. – Visit the 1000-pillar Jain Temple

    • 11:00 to 12:30 noon -- Drive Back to Mangalore

    • 12:30 to 13:30 p.m. – Lunch in Mangalore city

    • 13.30 to 15.00 p.m. – visit Aloysious Chapel , Mangalore Fish

    15:00 to 16:30 p.m. – Visit the Kadri Manjunatheswar Temple and Gokarna
    temple if time permits

    • 16:30
    or 17:00 or 17:30 p.m. – Return to Ship

    Cost: The pricing is as follows:

    Rs 12,000 using a Toyota Innova car (Max 4 Persons)

    18,500 using Tempo Traveler (Max 8 persons)

    Inclusions: English-speaking
    escort, AC transport, driver with cell phone, fuel, parking charges, tolls,
    entrances, bottled water, all taxes.

    Note: If time permits you can visit a
    very popular local pineapple farm, entrance ticket Rs 200 extra per person.

    Excludes: Meals,insurance,



    Magic Tours of India
    +91 98100 26373 | Office: +91 11 4056 6372

    mail: gaurav@delhimagic.com

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von verachrist ()

  • Wauh ihr seid ja super fleißig mit dem Organisieren der Touren...
    Ich blicke nun schon gar nicht mehr richtig durch, sorry :traurig:

    Auf jeden Fall möchten wir dabei sein ... wenn es geht, bei dem deutschsprachigen Reiseleiter .... viel sehen, auf einem Elefanten reiten oder baden .... und was immer sonst noch schön ist...

    Weiß nicht, wo ich uns nun eintragen soll...

    Liebe Grüße

    :jump: :jump::Boot1: :jump:
    CARA 2004, BLU 2005, AURA 2007, DIVA 2009, VITA 2011, DIVA 2012, SOL 2012, MAR 2013, STELLA 2013, LUNA 2013, LUNA 2014, AURA 2014, LUNA 2015, VITA 2015, MS4 2015, SOL 2016, VITA 2016, BELLA 2017, PRIMA 2017, AURA 2018, MAR 2018, CARA 2018, NOVA 2019, MS4 2020, MS4 2021, BLU 2023, STELLA 2024,



  • claudia
    Das sind wirklich tolle Tourenvorschläge für Mumbai, wir sind schwer begeistert und wären auf jeden Fall dabei. Es wäre super, wenn es mit dem deutschen Guide klappt.:jump:
    Auch der Vorschlag für Goa mit der Plantage und dem eventuellen Elefanten-Ritt würde uns vielleicht interessieren.
    Dir auf jeden Fall noch mal ganz vielen Dank für Deine Bemühungen :daumen:

    Frank und Indra
    Wir haben unser Hotel in Dubai jetzt auch gefunden und gebucht. Es ist das Rose Rayhaan by Rotana geworden und wir haben es auch ziemlich günstig buchen können. Aber vielen Dank für den Tipp!

    LG Bianka

    12/04 Aura - Mittelamerika; 02/05 Vita - Karibik; 05/05 Vita - WMM; 12/05 Cara - WMM; 02/06 Vita - Karibik; 06/06 Vita - WMM; 05/07 Aura - Kurzreise Ostsee; 10/07 Aura - WMM; 10/08 Cara - WMM; 03/09 Vita - Karibik; 09/09 Aura Nordamerika; 09/10 Cara - Kurzreise Ostsee; 02/11 - Aura-SOA; 03/12 - Vita-Amazonas; 06/12- Vita WMM; 01/14 Cara -Südamerika; 08/14 Aura - Adria; 11/14 Aura - Orient/Indien; 03/15 Vita - USA/Karibik; 11/15 Mar - Transkaribik, 02/16 Diva - Karibik; 11/16 Bella - Transasien; 01/18 Aura-Indischer Ozean; 09/19 Diva - Warnemünde - New York; 11/19 Vita - Singapur & Indonesien, 08/23 Aura-Grönland